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Ladbrook Park has a large, active Ladies Section for all handicaps

A very warm welcome from Ladbrook Park Ladies.
Ladbrook Park is proud to be a registered signatory of the Women in Golf Charter and welcomes golfers of all ages and abilities.

We encourage anybody unsure as to whether they want to play golf to try one of our Taster Days, afterwards you have the option of joining our popular & successful Academy run by our Club Professional Ryan Burton and his team.

Visit our Beginners page

In addition we offer new members a Buddy Scheme to support and integrate you seamlessly into the game.

Once you become a Member of Ladbrook Park there are a variety of team events throughout the year which provide both the opportunity to enjoy friendly but competitive golf as well as encouraging social interaction.

Medal and Stableford competitions are played on Tuesday mornings and these along with 6 Saturday and 6 Sunday Medals during the season offer a variety of opportunities to play competitive golf. 

Our Ladies also have several “Roll Ups” during the week where everybody is welcome - Just turn up and play! It’s a great way to meet other Members and make new friends in a convivial environment.

The Ladies play a variety of competitive matches against other clubs within the Midland Counties area:

Ladies Midlands Scratch League - Singles matchplay off scratch.
The Warwickshire Interclub League - Singles match play competition (with handicaps)
Ladies 1st and 2nd Teams - Four Ball Better Ball or Greensome matches.

We have a thriving section of Mixed Friendly matches against other clubs throughout the summer season and also organise Fun Mixed games internally. 

Both these events are well supported from all sections of the Club 

The Ladies Captain with the support of her Committee and many others work tirelessly throughout the year to ensure the Ladies Section is run in an efficient, friendly and approachable manner.

In addition the Ladies sit on Club Committees and thus support the overall running and development of the Club.